The Village of Wilbur Park St. Louis, MO 63123
April 16, 2013 – Monthly Minutes
1. Meeting opened at 7:05pm. All Board members in attendance. No Village residents in attendance. St. Louis County Police Officer Tim Rehagen in attendance.
2. March 2013 minutes reviewed. Meeting minutes stand as presented.
3. Treasurer’s Report for March 2013 presented by Treasurer JC Wheeler
March 2013 Total Income $10,944.60
Total Expense $10,128.78
Net Income(Loss) $ 815.82
Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2013 presented. Profit and Loss Statement presented.
4. Police report presented by Joe Wilhite.
Total Contract patrols 193 1894 minutes spent Average minutes of Contract Patrols 9.81
Total Other Patrols 22 622 minutes spent Average minutes of Other Patrols 28.28
5. Road and Building Commissioners Report presented by Rich Warren. No housing permits issued. Discussion of property inspection and contracting with St. Louis County to perform the Village Property Maintenance Inspections. 9054 Rosemary has reported steep grade drop where driveway and street meet. Joe will contact asphalt contractor for resolution. Rich will provide blank occupancy permit form to Ben for publishing on Village web site.
6. Solid Waste Hauling Report presented by Ben Gathard.
Hazardous household waste program information has been published on Village web site. Discussion of Trustee responsibilities and how this might be communicated to residents to avoid unnecessary calls and provide more prompt service to residents.
7. Village Clerk report presented by Neal Vohsen.
Yard sale will be held at 9035 Kathleen Ave on April 27.
8. Special Projects report presented by Sue Schleicher.
Resident on Hershey Ave has reported sidewalk slab movement believed to be caused by underground tree root growth. Sue will contact concrete contractor for resolution.
9. Chairman’s Report presented by Joe Wilhite.
Discussion of MSD Project Clear and the affect on Village residents and property. Project Clear is designed to remove home downspout drainage from the MSD sanitary sewer line drainage. MSD will be sending informational letters to all Village residents.
Meeting adjourned 8:05pm.