The Village of Wilbur Park St. Louis, MO 63123
July 16, 2013 – Monthly Minutes
1. Meeting opened at 7:08pm. Ben Gathard, Neal Vohsen not in attendance.
2. No meeting minutes presented for approval.
3. Treasurer’s Report for June 2013 presented by Joe Wilhite.
4. Road and Building Commissioners Report presented by Rich Warren.
5 houses currently under inspection. 9052 Rosemary electrical inspection..
5. Solid Waste Hauling Report
Friday yard waste pickup on July 4 week was normal.
6. June 2013 Police report presented by Joe Wilhite.
Total Contract patrols 181 1650 minutes spent Average minutes of Contract Patrols 9.15
Total Other Patrols 15 383 minutes spent Average minutes of Other Patrols 25.55
Police Officer Dan Schroeder reports an 11.8% decrease in Crime Activity.
7. Chairman’s Report presented by Joe Wilhite
Discussion of MSD Plan for Kathleen, Philo and Rosemary.
8. Special Projects report presented by Sue Schleicher.
9021 Philo sidewalk repair in progress.
Meeting adjourned 7:40pm.