Monthly Minutes May 2012

The Village of Wilbur Park – St. Louis, MO 63123
May 15, 2012 – Monthly Minutes

  1. Meeting opened at 7:00pm. Treasurer JC Wheeler not present. St. Louis County Police Officer Rehagen in attendance. No Village residents in attendance.
  2. May 2012 minutes reviewed. Meeting attendees corrected. Attorney Bob Paster was present at April meeting.
  3. Newly elected Board Member Ben Gathard sworn in.
  4. St. Louis County Police Officer Tim Rehagen reported a resident on Philo Ave, previously cited for tall grass, complained of a neighbor on Kathleen Ave who had a fallen retaining wall bordering her property, causing erosion problems. She also complained of chickens being raised on the Kathleen Ave property. After discussion, the Board determined the raising of chickens was in violation of a Village Ordindance and would be ordered removed.
  5. Treasurer’s Report for May 2012 presented by Chairman Joe Wilhite.
    April 2012 Total Income $11,469.87
    Total Expense $ 5,284.33
    Net Income $ 6,185Profit & Loss Statement for the period January 2012 through April 2012 was presented indicating a net income for the period of $11,653.72.The Sewer Lateral Municipal receipts were presented. March 2012 Interest earned of $5.54 realized. Pendingexpenditure in the amount of $2077.00 at 9040 Rosemary Ave, reducing Net Available Fund balance to
  6. Road and Building Commissioners Report presented by Rich Warren.
    One Occupancy Permit issued on Dana Ave. Informational flyers were distributed on Rosemary Ave and parts of Philo and S. Virgil Avenues restricting parking and street access during the Milling and Asphalt Pavement of Rosemary Ave.
  7. Solid Waste Hauling Report presented by Ben Gathard..
    No new issues. Ben will be contacting Waste Management to introduce himself as the newly elected Solid Waste Hauling Liason, and to advise of Rosemary Ave paving project.
  8. Police report presented by Chairman Joe Wilhite.
    Total Contract Patrols 184 1778 minutes spent Average minutes per Contract Patrols 9.66
    Total Other Patrols 11 73 minutes spent Average minutes per Other Patrols 6.62
  9. Village Clerk Report presented by Neal Vohsen.
    No Garage or Yard Sale permits issued.
  10. Chairman’s Report presented by Joe Wilhite.
    Joe reported attending the Board of Police Commissioners Breakfast on May 4. A well attended event with recognition and honor to the St. Louis County Police Officers and Firefighters. Recommended future Breakfasts be attended by other Board Members.
    St. Louis County Economic Development Council has proposed a Community & Aquatic Center to be built in Lemay. Funding to be provided by River City Casino ($5 million) and a Lemay bond issue ($7 million).
    MSD Proposition Y which will determine the rate of increase of sewage bills was discussed.
  11. New Business
    No new business or comments from the floor

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

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