Monthly Meeting Minutes – August 15, 2023



August 15, 2023

1) Meeting Called to order at 7:00 PM. Board Members Neal Vohsen, J.C. Wheeler, Heidi  Warren, Ryan Richardson present. Village Attorney Bob Paster present. Officer Dan  Schroeder present. Quorum met.  

2) Chairman Vohsen moved for the minutes for July’s meeting to be approved. Accepted. 

3) Chairman Vohsen moved for the minutes for April’s meeting to be approved. Accepted. 

4) First reading of the ordinance for Doneright Landscapes 

5) July 2023 Police Report – Officer Dan Schroeder:  

Total calls for service: 290 

11 directed calls 

5 self-initiated calls 

1 report written 

261 contract patrols 

Total time in minutes spent on contract patrols in minutes 2,549.6 

Average minutes per contract patrol: 9.8 

Group discussion flock camera, mainly the time on contract based around the install  date and operational date.  

6) July 2023 Treasurer’s Report presented by J.C. Wheeler 

Total Income: 11,956.05 

Total Expense: 6,860.33 

Net Income: 5095.72 

Balance sheet presented 

7) Second reading of the ordinance for Doneright Landscapes 

8) Road and Building interim Commissioner’s Report – Chairman Vohsen Vohsen is still exploring options for filling the commissioner’s spot. Proposed a search  committee to fill the seat.  

9039 Kathleen – Sent an ordinance violation for tree removal. Sent an ordinance for  front yard issue.

9) Solid Waste Management Report 

Commissioner Warren – No report to add. 

10) Village Clerk Report – Clerk Richardson – No Report to add 

11) Chairman’s Report – Neal Vohsen No New Business. Reviewed previous statements  included in other reports.  

12) New Business – 

Third reading of the ordinance for Doneright Landscapes.  

Vote on ordinance, Approved.

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